Friday, October 5, 2007

2007 Apr 27 - So, you want to ... (streamof)

Minded of the song by sparks under the table with her. Ever seeking never finding always putting image out for what they want to see; the responses pathetic (meaning the bait also must) and yet one hopes for the random chance that the not yet dead cat provided. Schrodingers by the way, in case you're too dim to see. (spelled horribly, but wtf). Asking not receiving, talking not listining. wishing I had a thread reader and a ignore filter WHat wonders lurk beneath these waters; only the shadow knows.
Single mom seeks for love and has none; specifics only filter dissuade response. What if I were the one? Divorced and screwed beyond all redemption. What would say you then? Ask I, not what can I do for you... but what on your knees will you do for me? PaYBack is a bitch, on wheels and in your face. A modern man, a modern man; George is my hero and our salvation. Tom Lear had a year that went, and now the american pie is cum-apple, and being coverd by a new band. letting sleeping dogs lie like second hand lions we are; were; and shall be. Figuring justice in advertising, don't you know all pictures lie? Mine date from 10 years ago to now, do I that look like now? Not hardly, there's grey thar; and muscles sliding toward belly. In the belly of the beast, what dark desires surface? If "daddy" can troll for a 20-something, and BDSM abounds, with ring-lickers on paytv and in the clubs; what else missed we who came before? Know it not, we search blindly, convinced something better comes. (not us definitely)... Europe was better, Amerika apathy sucks.

I breath. You read. We connect. For a brief instance, then you move on... and wash your hands. Such lies are told, and counted. Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin Weep for the disconnected, the lost, the un-comforted. For he/she/it (yes you friggin' trannies, you too) are lost midst the wilderness, and not found. Racist scum, and belligerent immigrant. Neither grateful nor intelligent be.
Tinker tailor soldier spy. (well, competance not required, just ask the Elephant). Burning bush, but supporting soldiers. Horny, disaffected and old. what a drag it is... getting ...

Welcome to the machine.

to drink... perchance to dream.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ever thought about doing open mic readings of your blog? This entry would be a good one. Kinda got a beatnik quality to it.