Saturday, March 17, 2018

Fucked up again...

So, I am off doing work; and my roommates manage to completely screw the pooch, one lets the tomcat into the condo common area, and the other drunk (unaware that the tom is *out*) lets the fucker out.  So, she tries to catch him...  and manages to get mauled and bit for her trouble.  On top of that, the other idiot starts yelling at her that it's *her* fault.

And then, I get handed the line... it's either the cat or the roommate. She (hopefully) will back down when more sober, but you never know.  <insert swear words implying lack of responsibility and unfairness>...

Both of these <insert insulting implication of mental incontinence> (well meaning, but then again)... managed to put one of my cats out in the world, and I've already seen evidence of rabies et al in the local populace... so that's not exactly a good feeling.  I'm amazed what stupid and alcohol can do in concert.  It's just fucking amazing.

Just when you thought you got your head out of your ass...

So, roommate drops the line on me "I have no boundries", it's just a matter of price.  (Implying of course, that nothing is off the table if you have enough $$$).

She's blase about various items she refers to as "hard / rough" which means I don't have any idea...  but we talked about it; sort of...

It give the mind furiously to think... oh wait, what exactly was she implying?

I know *absolutely* that she's not in love/like with me... (sorry to say it's not the case in reverse), and it's going nowhere fast.  However...  I guess the lizard can still dream.

It won't happen.


Why do I bother?

(she's gotta do what a *** gotta do...)