Saturday, December 29, 2007

Silent Night, ...

It's a couple days after Christmas, I saw my Mom, my sister and my *honorary* step-father.

Back to catch the assassination of Benazir Bhutto on the news feed; just in time to feel that we haven't made any progress, we're just monkeys and wolves.

I hope I'm wrong...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Peace and Quiet = Finals

Well, temporary room-mate has moved out; she disappeared on Tuesday a week ago. And no... I didn't do anything to force it. (Well, other than telling her I was calling the cops)...

I am both relieved and feeling guilty; but if I'm going to open my home to someone in trouble; they'd better have been invited. I'm still amazed that she thought it was ok to just move in because she had acquired a key and "needed a place to stay". I hope she got her (section-8 funded) apartment in Pasadena, but I have no idea... and it's probably better that way.

Wow... So now I have a room to rent (again); and hopefully it will be (a) someone that can pay rent (or rent and services...), (b) that I like in my home (instead of tolerate), and (c) ISN'T BIPOLAR.


And now, there's finals...