Sunday, November 18, 2007

Snort... (coffee spraying out nose)... it continues...

I'm counting down the days...
I've told said squatter room-mate to move out by the end of the week (notice that she hasn't?); and am actively encouraging her to get her apartment in Pasadena... god help Pasadena.

I found out (a couple days ago?) that the main reason that her boyfriend was upset (about the herpes...) was because it *might* affect his chances at a sex-change.

Only in California.


I might add, that one of the topics of this weeks conversation; was whether or not they would get married BEFORE the operation, since same-sex marriages aren't recognized here... (or at least that's my understanding).

So... let me get this straight: "You're going to get married so that he can get a sex-change and you can live together as a lesbian couple?"

you've STILLgotta be kidding.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

You know you're a sentimental olde fart when...

I watched "the Last Mimsey" twice.

I wanted to be sure.


Sense of wonder, mysterious plot, likeable characters.

I got a 'glimmer' in me eye; and it wasn't a cat hair. Taffy and Molly told me so. Not theirs' ... no way. Transformers was eye-catching, but Mimsey hit the right notes. checked the credits. No wonder...

maybe there's hope for us yet.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Moral indignation

This just keeps on getting better.

Said unwanted room-mate, is all distraught because her boyfriend is MAD at her because she didn't tell him she had herpes II. Her justification; that if he wanted to know, he would have asked. (I'm wondering why they have unprotected sex, but then... that's just me).

After much discussion (most of it where I listen to her about how 1/4 of the US population is infected already and it's no big deal); I give up because she's not willing to concede that said boyfriend has a point.

I'm just glad I'm not in her dating pool.

Instant room-mate, just add water...

Sometimes, G*D has a funny sense of humor.

During the weekend that I was out of town and helped a friend move his dad's stuff; my part-time dataentry person moved into my (for rent) spare room.

This was accomplished despite my protests and against my preferences. I had already told her I didn't want her to move in, SEVERAL times; so she waited until I was out of town. (She had a key because I couldn't depend upon her to show up at the stated times to do data entry and filing).

So now I have this person camped out in my house who doesn't pay rent; does minimal work for me (it's just entering data and filing), and is obstensibly looking for a place to live in Pasadena. And... she's a shit-stirrer. (you can imagine the term). She doesn't mean to be, just manages to have the temperament for it.

Ok, I'm at least as nice as the next guy, but this is nuts.

And the winning strategy is to encourage her to move out, with the backup plan to call the cops?

You've got to be kidding.