Thursday, August 18, 2016

About rejection...

(This is from my recollections of my youth, alas long gone...  If I get any of the details incorrect, my apologies to all maligned persons out there).

When I was a lad attending UCSD-Revelle, I had a roommate named Norman.  Stormin-Norman as I recall; mostly because he was a surfer and a bit more bold than the rest of us (as I remember, anyway).

Norman used to come home with a different girl almost every night, and some repeats (I think he had favorites).  We, being underclassmen, would sit around and theorize as to how he did it.

We finally worked up enough courage to ask.

Norman said "I go to a bar, walk up to the first girl, and ask her if she wants to fuck.  If she says 'No', I go to the next one, and it usually works out". (*approximate from memory*)

If necessary (I'm theorizing), he would move on to the next bar...

So I asked, because I'm a little slower than some on this stuff:  "Don't you get slapped a lot?"

He replied:  "Yes, but I get laid a lot also".


I remember stepping out of the stall in the bathroom to wash, or brush my teeth or something, and a girl (I'm allowed to be chauvenistic --- it's my blog)  of the stunningly attractive variety naked in the shower... sticks her head out and says "Hello".  I never did manage much of a comeback except "Hi"...