Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ghosts are the memories of Past Regrets

every so often...
something happens which elicits a gut-emotional response.
I don't plan for it; it's just there.

Back in 1990(ish); my then about-to-be wife... sang to me in a club.  She had an amazing voice; professional quality and the chops to prove it.

I remember her looking at me, singing "When you call my name, ... " by Madonna
and everyone around me seemed to be listening.  (

She was *that* good.
Her other favorite (

we didn't last.

I did something stupid (didn't understand her needs)

She did something stupider.  (It's amazing how much talent was rolled up in one tall blond);  and...
we got divorced.

I haven't seen her since.

Times like these, I still feel like I should have done something different.

I've just met somebody interesting.  Again.

I hope I just don't screw it up.


All of a sudden, I have to change accounts to post on this blog.  Apparently Google has decided that I must join everything to everything... and I've kept this place private, so only a select few can read.  Also, it allows me to say things that I otherwise might feel compelled to edit more severely.  (Who's kidding who?  I edit EVERYTHING I write).

But... just saying... it's now harder to do what was once easy.

(next post follows)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Taxes... revisted

I just left off my bookkeeper; we finished my taxes and submitted them to my accountant.

I'm done.  Only slightly later than expected. (it's October, after all!)

NOT next year.