Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Anger -- why are you still mad?

So, in the continuing tradition of "mea culpa" -- what was I thinking?...

There exists a few folk (girlfriend and a former roommate), who apparently (no - S#**t) harbor more than a little animosity toward me.  Some deservedly, of course... I'm not a saint nor am I teflon; and yet some ...

So, I fwded a picture of mail that I received from someone  who moved out suddenly some time ago (we were apparently having more difficulties than I thought)
and the classic "when the ship lifts, all debts are paid" applied.

I thought that after all that time... we had parted on relatively good terms.  Not so, apparently.  She blew up for informing her about some official looking mail...  So I will just mark all future as "return to sender", which is what I had been doing.

So, for anyone who resembles the above; my apologies. 

I figure whatever issues you still carry are not my problem; and the best part...
I get to keep my stomach lining and I like my stomach lining.
