Saturday, July 7, 2018

So, another interview, another chance to prove I'm right... (they don't care)

Yet another agency wanted me to come in for a face-to-face.

As if they couldn't do the entire thing via Skype.  I got lucky this time and was able to park for free for two hours (not that I  am going to take that long).

It is amazing how young they are.  I guess from my perspective.... they are all children.  Even the manager, whom I spoke with for maybe three minutes; trying like hell to not get mad because she has already dismissed me as not useful to her.

They have a process, and it's probably about the best you can hope for; because someone figured out that if they keep asking questions, they may eventually hear something that they like.  Or, perhaps not...

I'm a Information Technology person who used to be a developer; and I miss it more than you know.  Where you actually *did* something useful, and created from scratch...

Now I'm just another short-order cook on the information highway.