Monday, October 11, 2010

life and why you don't date crazy women

so, about June 30th, I was dating this absolutely crazy woman. Well, it started out like that anyway. She was loosing her apartment because she did not have a job, had run out of money and notified her landlord that she was moving out; because she was doing the "right thing" and telling her landlord. She even tried to renegotiate her roommates stay, so that they could find a new roommate and continue in the apartment without her. That ... to her credit.

So, I (like a stupid mark) offered that she could stay with me while she found her feet; and meantime help me rent rooms, which was my immediate goal. It's the economy, and I'm not making enough with all my consulting gigs (smalltime at best) to cover all bills. So, renters are needed... or I lose my condo.

So, she moves in. We fix up two rooms, barter one to a guy who's diligent but broken, and studying to be homeless; and a college kid who's a slob but has a good heart. He's just young; and hasn't figured out that he has to clean up after himself. Yet.

So, she tells me (a month later) that we had negotiated for 2 months rent for her "services", and I disagree; but being a bit of a chicken, just accept it.

A month later; we have the same conversation, but it's now punctuated with her accusations that I'm cheating on her !!! (which I wasn't), and that she didn't have to pay me because her services were worth more than the rent.

What part of I have to pay the bills, did she not understand? I went up to talk to her, she told me that by touching her; I tried to get her to sit down and stop yelling.... she "had me". I found out about that later.
So, she continues on moving stuff in the garage, tells me to move my car or she'll damage it... and I inadvertently (yup --- stupid move) lock her out of the condo.

So, she calls the police; and I get arrested.

more about that later. (this is a rant)

So, I make bail and my friends pay her $400 to move the hell out. And she does.

I have to go to TRIAL, and get aquitted (because the star witness didn't show up); so points to her for ignoring the jury summons. But, I'm out $2000 plus fees (about $2200) plus $400 plus rent for two months, plus loss of work and loss of a contract that I could have gotten paid for -- if I had completed it instead of being in jail...

and you know what I learned, gentle reader? That even if all evidence is against them, the LA prosecutor's office will continue until they cannot continue, cannot produce the witness, cannot make a case; and all the while trying to get me to accept a plea deal that is just short of child molestation...

Because I objected... to a freeloader.

It's too bad I cannot get any retribution. But, I am donating her stuff to Goodwill; maybe the karma won't follow the goods. Maybe...