Saturday, December 21, 2019


Funds are short, I’m having trouble meeting my obligations of the bills variety.
One of the things that makes this interesting, as I have four cats and a bunny to take care of.
I don’t have kids except for the furry variety, And they’re very important to my continued sanity.
I have a thing called mitral valve prolapse which means that one of my valves doesn’t function as it should and that can create problems with something called regurgitation. Regurgitation of course is backwash or backflow. One of the issues is that 90% of the surgeries are successful but 10% or not
In the ...
Alexa can you fucking spell correctly?
In the extremely rare and unlikely event, I don’t want my sister to be faced with cleaning out my entire hoarders condo
That means I have to clean it up before I go in. Not to mention the small but significant fact that it requires cracking my chest which means I’ll be a complete invalid for at least a month if not more. And that also means that My furry  loves cannot park on my chest.