Friday, July 17, 2020

I shot an arrow... arrows arrows Everywhere

So, the long and the short of it; is that I upset a friend of long standing.  To the point that she gave me back my keys and demanded hers back.  It's a tumultuous relationship, she's a lesbian older woman and I'm her friend who knows how to fix things and cook (something she states she "can do, but will not").
The details are really not that important, except that when she's scared/frustrated she lashes out.  It is what she learned as an abused child oh... so long ago.
I'm pretty weathered myself, have a whole closet of Tshirts with "been there, done that" on them.  Mostly from Craigslist roommates; you know... the ones you love to hate.

So, she found out that I've been exposed to Covid (no surprise, it's when... not if); and because that frustrates some of her plans (she's got a crisis of her own that I was supposed to be helping with, and I cannot if I'm self-quarenteening).
But, instead of addressing that, she attacks me on several other fronts, and we part the phone call in a not so good manner.  So, I wrote her an email countering her attacks, and told her that she had to get past MAD before we could talk.
That worked well.
I'll probably flame her later; when I have composed myself sufficiently... but for now I will just say that neither one of us handled it well.  And, if I had not detailed why all the attacks she made over the phone were bullshit, perhaps she wouldn't be so upset now.  Maybe.
But, since she never addressed the real issue; it doesn't matter.  (I can't help her now, and she's fucked).
She is SO fucked.  (she and her roommate are being dispossesed  by a mold remediation in their unit; while the Covid shitstorm is still in progress.  Since one is 69 and the other 76... it's not like they don't have valid concerns.
But, I can't move shit for them, host them (or their pets)... I certainly don't want to make them sick (and die or suffer from the crud --- IFF I have it). 
I need another TShirt -- "I see Morons.  Trouble is, there's one in the mirror as well".

And a shout out to the Donald, a bigger waste of ambulatory protein on the planet I have never seen.