Monday, January 2, 2017

Some days you are the nail, other days...

I'm sitting here paying bills; or at least setting up to pay what I can with what I have.

It's always a trial, to see what I can cover and what I have to defer (but avoiding late fees) and to track to make sure I don't miss anything.

I just had a lovely conversation with two of my friends, one I've known for 30+ years and just recently become reaquainted, and one that I've known for 5 or so years and is occasionally difficult to talk to... because she's very strong minded, opinionated and doesn't always allow for another point of view.  (I'm eschewing abbreviations for the moment).

I still find myself listening to Simon and Garfunkel live...  and remembering where I came from.  (Sounds of Silence)

it's still not that far a stretch.