Friday, October 5, 2007

2007 Apr 01 - Proof positive that you are never at your best at 3 am.

You never are at your best at 3 am...

I was awakened by a drunk with 3 of his friends in the jacuzzi. You have to understand that my unit's bedroom window faces the pool, which is usually a bonus. HOWEVER... These folk were all drinking, talking loud/yelling at each other... which wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that they were doing it at 2... 3 am.

So, after about 1/2 hour of listening to this and realizing that no-way am I going to get back to sleep; I get dressed, go down and have a chat with the four... only one of whom lives in the complex.

The gals are topless/bottomless? and sitting on top of the guys (didn't even register); --- which I think means that they are having more fun than I am...

So I point out that public sex play and loud conversation were not appreciated by the community at this hour, and that they had awakened me... (I mean if you're going to do it... at least keep the yapping down)!

The two guys are quiet, the gals are belligerent and refusing to leave the premises (3 am remember!), and insulting. They're guests -- but acting like really really drunk. [update - I've since gotten to know one of them slightly in better circumstances, and she DOES have her good moments!] When I call LAPD, the more vocal female attached to the guy who lives here... stated that she'd file a sex complaint that I was harassing them... obviously not impressed by the courtesy of not asking the police to handle this in the first place. And (since I'm not calling 911 but local dispatch) I get queued into " 1 877 Ask-Lapd" Music-on-hold; and then the call gets dropped by my cellphone.

It isn't normally my intent to provoke my neighbors, but I think it's unacceptable that I should have to get out of bed because someone is being inconsiderate. It's not fun to get out of bed, get dressed, and go confront some unknown folk... that they are being rude. (Remember when you were a kid, and the teacher said "did you bring enough for everyone?)... the point being obvious? Takes me 2 hours to get unpissed enough to go back to sleep.

o o o

So, next day (some hours later); I have a chat with the resident homeowner; who's now sober... or nearly... and find out that he doesn't even know the other folk -- friends of his girlfriend? I suggest that next time they want to party, just to take everybody to the local strip bar... And... he tells me she's a pole dancer at the local candy Cat. I can only hope he had a *good* time...

There just ain't the words...

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