Tuesday, November 9, 2010

God must be having a really good day...

I wouldn' t believe it.
Except it fits right in with the rest of the insanity.

My brand-new-job; which I was supposed to start tonight...
is no more. Never mind the offer letter, the calendar'd start date or the negotiations about health care benefits.

ROK Group (UK) has just had their door shut by the banks. Yay.

My gig, depended upon them (the client).

Came and went, never even saw a hour of paycheck. And three weeks wasted.



Friday, November 5, 2010

And the wind, she changes...

And after a long spell, the world starts to right itself.

Or at least, my personal version of it does...

All the cats are motoring around (still), including Miss Pippi, who gets thinner but purrs and eats... and for now, is stable. Although, she's still hell on my shirts (both cat fur and her insistance on climbing me to perch on my shoulder)...

I have two new roommates; and I like them. The other guy in the basement is a little grumpy, but he means well and isn't a PROBLEM. *unlike she who is GONE*

And... I got an offer lettre. I start shortly; we will see how I do... (it's graveyard shift, but wth).

Now, I just have to stave off the creditors until the next check comes in.
