Friday, October 5, 2007

2007 Feb 19 - Presidents day... why I still NEED a sense of humor...

Damm outlook won't save my font prefs.

Typical day...
Wake up about 4 am (first time), clean the area next to the commode where the cats dumped litter (it's corn-meal based, which is much better than the clay...), but still! Raining like hell. Loud.

ok, back to bed. Really. 6 am rolls around, same deal; only this time Taffy (nearly 20 lbs of neutered white male feline) missed the box. (he usually faces in, but is longer than the box is, so when the box gets pushed against the wall, he miscalculates.

Up at 7. checking doctor's server, did backup happen? is reception3 computer ok after adding memory...? Check with the receptionist, first person in after bookkeeper; who is too shy to talk - she's in at 4 am I think... All is well... coffee in hand back up to wash up, shave and get dressed.

8 30 am-ish, get call from dataentry/bookkeeper ... who was up all night (again?) and will not be coming in until later. (still working on getting books for taxes; long story)...
so, off to this month's daily consulting gig, Chocolate bundt cake in hand, laptop and about three notebooks. Raining still; walk the "1/2 mile" from my car to the building, because parking gets full about 7 am. (production shift gets all the good close-up spaces). Nobody in OLS area; ok... it's a holiday ?

Drop off cake, get mug of syrup/coffee (blech) and read email, look at the bug I have to puzzle out. AHA - lunch. Ex comes into cube in tears; she broke her "bridge" and is self-concious about " appearance if she opens her mouth, plus the risk of swallowing her dentalwork. Amazing amount of tears; life's hitting her in the face a lot this week. Call the dentist .... set up a appointment; off for a quick sandwhich (what she was eating when the damm thing broke... again. did this last year, was temporary fix). I can feel for her; but my wallet can't...

3 pm, not going to make any more progress without the data from the customer; can't quite "see" the bug, but know where abouts it has to be... off to home. Call bookkeeper; she's on her way over.

next 4 hours are trying to get some third-party software dump the transactions from Quickbooks so that we can go back to a previous backup, re-"enter" the items, and get a balance that we believe... since this dataset is apparently hosed. Chat some, show her how to run the nice Excel macros (POS) that this package puports to be worth $70. Instructions somewhat fuzzy to a programmer non-accountant.

Somewhere in there answer email, query yet another possible consult site about some work... and then put that to bed for the evening.

8 pm - off to quick dinner at another friend's house, try to get his network computers to talk to each other after move... overdose on red pepper on salad (dumb), and have flaming indian food to boot. (I think it was the pepper that did it).

850 pm, bail and scramble home... feed cats and sit down for 24, giving up for the evening.

1030pm, take shower, hear scratchy "blinds" sounds while drying... step out in the bedroom (nekkid) to see the "dark" OPEN window (sans horiz blinds), because Taffy has been clawing them so he could see out (remember dark, right?) and neighbor's bedroom/study window is across the way... ) and the whole damm thing has been rotated "open".

Gee, thanks... got to wag the neighbors.

Tomorrow I get to do it all again.

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