Friday, April 10, 2020

March 1, 2020 - belated post series

It's funny.  I started to write posts, but was so caught up in the moment of the COVID-19 news, that I just didn't finish writing anything.

Recapping, We started to hear about Wuhan China apparently circa November 2019 to the intelligence community (not to be confused with Donald, he shows zero signs).  The report was apparently secret and not generally disseminated, so at that point... no one outside knew.
(See )

I was doing training session support at a location near a Navy base, and it was the week of training for a LOT of these folk, the hotel was fully booked.  No-one had COVID on their mind then.

A few days after I packed up the classroom equipment and brought it back... the news started telling about a problem in Wuhan. 

Sometime after that, I got a cold.  Paranoia.  But, I don't match the symptoms (no fever, no cough), just feel like shit.  My roommate, who is the archetypal idiot... has been insisting on going shopping and not taking precautions during this entire time.  The other roommate isn't even present most of the time (hardly ever see him); and a week goes by.

I message my doctor and get the same news that the screening application online gives me, that I'm not considered a candidate for testing yet, and wait.

Off and on for the last few weeks, I have been carrying this "cold" around with me and practicing all the appropriate measures (social distancing, mask, hand washing)...  but one of my roommates has not.

However, as we learn more; it is important to note that I may or may not have the virus.  Without a valid test (which are 25% inaccurate as of this date), I cannot tell.  So, I'm either a hypochondriac, paranoid or actually sick... and it's anyone's guess at this point.

Meanywhile, one of my well-meaning but right-wing to the point of stupid friends proposed that we all give blood to get tested.  Fun fact, idiots did this during the AIDS epidemic, and the blood was not tested then. 
It is NOT tested now for CORONA-19 so you do two things wrong by donating if you think you are sick. 
1. You potentially spread the disease to someone who needed blood, and make their condition worse. 
2. You don't get any information about your own condition... blood donations don't generally work like that.


I'm still sitting here at home almost 24x7x31 and talk/email/facebook/teleconference like everyone else.   But....  I am trying to not make the situation worse.  Whether or not I actually have COVID-19 or not.

Don't get me started on the asshole-in-chief.

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