Sunday, November 16, 2008


I'm watching the news almost OBSESSIVLY this weekend.  Again, we have fires in SoCal "Sayer" and Orange County, and bad.

No matter what, folk are going to lose precious items,  memories, things that cannot be replaced.  And there are the pets.  You know that not everyone can get their companion out... and I don't think the firefighters stand much of a chance, given the size of this disaster.  (Please prove me wrong... it will make my day/week/month).  I hope...

And, lest we forget, all these wildlands held animal life.  They (if lucky?) are going to flee the fire and later starve; or more likely get caught in the 35 mile per hour firestorm that has been reported.  No matter what, they're screwed.

But then again, I'm a pessimest.

"Where is god... where is God today?" (lyric)

Not here apparently.

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