Sunday, April 26, 2020

Work, perchance? 2/22/16

(( these are being republished, they're out of order.  Somehow, the database got corrupted and unpublished a bunch of my posts -- this one's 2/22/16))

So, one of my consulting gigs asked me to correlate his courseware to the relevant industry certifications.

It turns out, that is a larger job than I anticipated.  In fact, it's daunting.  This is kinda  a short review, mostly to organize my thoughts.

Basic Cyber (Security) ---  is a get-your-feet wet kind of experience where the student opens the can of worms for the first time and is confronted with the challenges therein.
E.g. :
1. Basics (what is a cyber attack, what is risk management, and what is the commonly used principle used to identify control of information)....
2. Monitoring (detection, responses)...
3. How do you Improve security (patches)
4. How to monitor network traffic  (tools, analysis, modeling).
5. Attack Indicators (how do you know)
6. What is a penetration test (and how do you do it)
7. Forensics (the patient died, what went wrong)
8. Security Lifecycle (yet to be described)...

Advanced Cyber (Security)
1. Penetration Testing Intro
2. Scoping / Pre Engagement
3. Reconnassance
4. Scanning the target
5. Target Exploitation
6. Password attacks
7. Wireless and Web exploitation
8. Social Media
9. Post Exploration (what to do with it)
10. Malware (Malicious Files, backdoors and rootkits and tools)

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