Tuesday, April 28, 2020

B* homeless and crazy (Lost Angeles)

An open lettre to a gal who doesn't get it.

1. I cannot host you.  (Covid-19).
2. A "night" would extend, I already know this... because you don't have any prospects.  And the last time,  you did not keep your word regarding:
  a. you did not pay rent as requested.
b. you did not help with chores are requested.
c. you borrowed additional funds from myself, P* and K*... and then chose to not repay those.
3. You managed to lose your car (probably a parking ticket / street sweeper action --- I have gotten ticketed), and could not come up with the money to retrieve it.
4. You also lost your room, and without any other information I have to assume that you missed a rent payment...
5. You have priors (see 2,3,4) with being dysfunctional with money, and even with a stipend from the State, you still managed to screw yourself up.That may be a function of your disability, and I recognize that.  It however also may be a result of substance abuse.
It is alleged (of course by J*) that you are using drugs.
You have denied it multiple times, but I also remember you failing a drug test.  I also remember you giving all sorts of excuses as to why you didn't go when you were supposed to , et al.
I am not a drug - rehabilitation center, have no skills in that area and cannot and will not take responsibility for your welfare... and put myself and others in jeopardy.
6. And, I have a rather hostile reaction to you at this time.  (I want to smack the shit out of you).

To your credit, you never EVER attacked me, stabbed me, stole my car...  but you *ARE* a definite risk.

7. Requirements for me even talking to you:
(a) You would have to make good on all debt.
(b) you would have to sign over payments from the state etcetera, and I would give you an allowance out of that WHICH I WOULD MONITOR to cover rent, food, clothing, for any time that you were under my supervision.  Failure not an option.
(c) regular surprise drug tests, audits etcetera required.

See, it's not worth it.

That makes you a bad risk.

It's too bad... you are very sweet when you have your way...

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