Saturday, March 2, 2013

musings of the idle not-so-rich

I don't write as often as I did.  Among other things, it's become both more difficult and now *easier* than it was before.  Now since google has linked the accounts, I have to disconnect one persona and introduce the other in order to write here.  That's a PITA.  However... once figured out; it's really pretty simple.

I have a new friend.  Well, this started slightly before December, and then I ran away... (she's got issues).  But, apparently my telling her helped her decide to stay more on course and produce less drama.  Well, at least that appears to be the current situation.  We will see. I'm not holding my breath, got over that with the last few who went complete Nut-Job on me. (you know who you are).

karma may win out; I hope G*d is kinder to them than that...

So, tonight a BBQ dinner at Lenny's BBQ on Valley Circle in Chatsworth area, and now home for a nice Irish whiskey in a snifter (yes, I am that upper-crust -- LOL).  And reflections upon where I am and what I've accomplished.

So, I'm still in my condo, the cats are still fed and Pippi is upstairs purring about a morsel of ribeye (mostly fat) that she's consumed... and I still hope to bring her weight back up somewhat.  (She's at 4 lbs, down for 4 lbs and 10 ounces... which is much closer to her healthy weight than at present).

But, we all can do only what we can do.  I can hope, right...?

only time will tell.

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