Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Klonopin (clonazepam) and dating

Wow.  I just sent off two darling kids (2 years and 4 years) to the keeping of their dad, because Mom just got checked in for a Psych eval.  A 24-72 hour hold, I don't know yet, this is new to me.
Apparently (guessing -- I'm not a medical professional), either the mix wasn't right; or there are additional twists that aren't getting addressed with the current cocktail. I don't know.
What I do know, is that she needed help, the kids needed safekeeping, and I'm going to be the bad guy because I called the state protective services, and they said "Call 911.  Call them now".

The kids are safe, the gal is in hospital... and hopefully will get sorted out.

I'm not whining, not really.  I'm just sad becase there is so little I can do to help, and the problem(s) are so major.  But I'm still going to take it on the chin.

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