Thursday, January 7, 2010

thoughts thru a glass, imperfected

I think I forgot to post this one...
Date: 2009-12-31, 2:30AM PST

thoughts rage through my mind
form follows function
that which we are
leaves trails behind.
To seek is to fail
to accept is to cherish
that which binds us
and makes us whole.
Cynical writer seeks not such a goal
for goals themselves defeat purpose intent
That which is caught in the web of our lies
yet, not... because we reveal in our defenses
the wounds of the flesh and the spirit.
You ask what is it we look for; what is it we need?
I answer connection, in thought and in the deed.
If I had some wisdom to offer, to proffer in truth
it would be to be with, not hide or vent untruth.
I am but a man (old fart tho' I be...)
greyhaired pate exterior but inside might be free'd
for we ALL are alike in our needs and our goals
to be worthy to be judged a person, whole
I wish you well, my readers of note
the year it is ending, yet...
survives on the koolaid of hope.
to sleep, perchance to dream.
So, sleep well and wake
to face the new day
(apologies, Robert)
may your time be a full and as long as it may
If I wink and I nod, you'd best take it well
I mean you no harm, just appreciate that you are indeed....

That which we seek, we often find within. That which is external cannot be coaxed nor coerced within.
A miracle occurs when that connection is found, but being receptive to it you must be
or will not be found.

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