Thursday, March 7, 2019

Fool me once...

So, about 10 years ago...
I interviewed two girls as potential roommates. In spite of the lack of blood flow to my brain, I approved them. One turned out to be extremely nice with bad choices in men. The other was still working her inner rage-aholic and I had to send her elsewhere. Funny thing, she and I are now pretty good friends on facebook.
The other one, skyed out after a year and went elsewhere. Had a kid with a loser immature gamer who didn't know meth wasn't a good choice. Meanwhile, almost two years ago... she introduced me to a charity case / roommate who seemed (on the surface) to be a pretty good deal. Whups. You know you are in trouble when you want to fuck you roommate...
So, almost a year goes by, the current roommate puts me in the hospital with multiple-stab wounds (I guess I pissed off her inner demon) and even with forgiveness; I'm sorry... I'm still looking for the next event. So, she moves out. (Not because of that, but because she couldn't pay rent... and had principles. She only fucks over clients)...
Now the previous gal; whom I liked but never chased... yelled for help because she got kicked out by the baby daddy; and she's back. Meanwhile... said other roommate --- is now residing with the baby daddy and roommate's son.

Got all that?

Days of my lives... my ass.

I'm buying handcuffs and a branding iron. (Just in case the second gal shows)...

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