Saturday, July 17, 2010

the disadvanges of being me

form follows function, foolishness tries to lie
I sit here getting inebriated, not telling nor tries
for the song and the dance
no appetite have I
just sitting here being me
miserable broke and alive

I look to the universe and ask it "why"
nothing responds to me
not even in my mind

form follows function, foolishness tries to lie
I hold within my my own guilt
my fears and failed tries
I don't have a plan in place
tried to explain to others

But no-one really is listening
and no one can help recover
the center that I lost
the moment profound

interrupted by roommates
but still in the sound
of life as it happens
and very little concerned

because I'm just me
and scared/food for worms
I am what I fear most
or am I at all?
I exist in the moment
my guilt held thrall

I would kill, no that isn't right
but judgement wished down
for other's malfeasance
my own troubles compound

Because I am just me
an island of self
and no-one hold succor
and no one offers shelter
and no one can save me

from myself.

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