Sunday, November 15, 2009

what do I want to be when I grow up?

In school, struggling to keep myself well above "average" and having a interesting time competing; because the kids, they really are smart... and I'm feeling my age.

But, the bigger question, is how the hell do I pay for this adventure? It's not like I'm made of money, and rescuing cats and damsels in distress has taken all the starch out of my sails; more to the point, non-payment of funds has really screwed the situation. The worst part; I knew it going in... and did the damm thing anyway.

Mea culpa.

So now what...

I'm either unemployable (judging from my recent track record) but make a good consultant; except no-one is hiring... or I'm even worse as a consultant/marketeer than I am as an employee? It's a depressing concept.

I don't think so, but other opinions may matter. As I said... there's evidence.

But, between the various folk of good intent (but lousy financial responsibility); and the economy...

I'm feeling very Wile E. Coyote right now... just about the time the lonnng whistle down starts.

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