Monday, January 14, 2008

There is *always* hope... (really random thoughts)

Bear with me, I'm sick working on inebriated (trying to get the two hats thing going on the bedpost)...

Taffy (male cat, don't hassle him.. he KNOWS he's a boy) is feeling better. He's on antibiotics, anti-cancer medication (basically rat-poison specific to the "bad" cells) and lots and lots of love.

Here's a picture of him. Right now I'm just happy he's feeling better. (and yes, I'm a lousy photographer). He's the white tom in front.

Proof positive that there are *real* people out there in internet-land; I responded to a post on CL, and met a real-live-person. I'm amazed (and pleased), but mostly amazed. OK, life isn't perfect but at least it's showing some upside. NO idea where this goes, but for right now... just not bouncing ideas off the underverse and having no response; is a REAL GOOD THING.

I gather that Hillary stepped into it, and her hubby didn't help much (on the campaign trail talking about MLK and Johnson); but since I'm not (insert any disadvantaged ethnic group here), I don't know $h!t about what they are upset about... (yet). Somebody will (undoubtedly) explain it to me, but for now... So I still like her over Obama, and only some of that based upon the past platforms (see latimes) but then again...

Now, if we could only get out of Iraq with our dignity, but I don't have much hope. I wonder if GWB is going to get labelled in history as another in a long line of really bad presidents; but I don't have that much faith in the short term. We will see.

Meanwhile, my cats are doing better; and I have a cold.

Mal: We're still flying.
Simon: That's not much.
Mal: It's enough

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