Sunday, March 7, 2021

Peeking out of my foxhole.

It has been a year.

So, we now have Covid vaccines; and I'm waiting to get one.  Any One.
I've already been exposed several times, and although I never really went down for the count; the only way I would know for sure if I've had it, would be to have an antibody test (which my health care provider isn't giving -- so it would cost me out of pocket).

Meanwhile the PCR tests (I've had two) have been negative.  Since they are more reliable than the rapid test... that indicates that I probably did not have it at the time of testing.  Probably.  I'm not a hyperchondriac; but it would be nice to be able to see my Mom... she's just celebrated her 101'th birthday.  There aren't that many more of them in the cards.

While I'm asking... a f/t gig (job, consult, whatever) would be helpful.  

One of my roommates (the socially dysfunctional one) stopped paying rent, and in California... there isn't a lot I can do about right now.  He's out of cash because he gambles on the stock market... and makes bad choices.  That isn't related to Covid, and I consider the outcome an unfair burden; but with current policy...  and if I contact his family (who have money), that ropes in people who aren't involved and you could make the argument that it isn't fair... except they can afford his  intransigence better than I can. 

Fortunately, I have some remote work, and lots of books to read.

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